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The higher they rise, the less pressure they are subject to. A gas expands when the pressure decreases.

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Q: Why do bubbles of gas expand as they rise to the surface of a pond?
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Why do bubbles rising to the surface of the ocean expand?

The deeper the bubbles are in the ocean, the greater the pressure is. As they rise to the surface, the pressure decreases, allowing the bubbles to expand.

When heated bubbles rise to surface?

bubbles rise to the surface of a heated liquid as it changes to gas because they are less dense than the liquid.

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Why do flames rise even though gravity pulls things downwards?

Hot gases expand and therefore are less dense than cold gases, and therefore hot gas has buoyancy and will rise, much as air bubbles float to the surface in water.

Why do air bubbles in water rise to the surface?

Air is lighter than water.

Why do raisins bob up and and down in champagne?

the CO2 bubbles in the champagne cling to the rough surface of the raisin, making it rise. when it gets to the surface, the bubbles disburse and the raisin sinks.

When a jug boils there are large bubbles in the water What are the bubbles made of?

When water boils the gasses which where absorbed are liberated and they expand as a result of the heat causing bubbles which then rise to the surface upon further heating it would be the water turning to steam that expands into bubbles, that is why the bubbles only form at the point of contact with the heat source. there could be some oxygen in the bubbles but it would be extremely small amounts as the heat does not split the bond between the oxygen and the hydrogen.

Why do vapor bubbles rise to surface when a liquid is boiling?

Since the bubbles have less density than the surrounding water, gravity pulls the water down, and the bubbles go up.

Why do bubbles rise to the surface of the water?

Because there are cells in in water and everything with water bubbles rise because the cells vibrate whch cause bubbling with Bubbles as in the ones u buy or detergent they have gas in them and gas floats everywhere we breath gas

As the earth is heated by the sun bubbles of rise blank blank upward from the warm surface?

hot air

What happens to the gases in it as magma rises toward the surface?

As magma rises, the gases contained within expand due to the decrease in pressure on them as they rise. This creates bubbles that float through the magma, Like the sudden decrease in pressure on the gas in a carbonated beverage when opening, it's container releases a mass of rising bubbles.

Why does carbon dioxide escape from fizzy drinks?

Air bubbles containing carbon dioxide rise to the surface of the drink once the bubbles pop, they release the carbon dioxide.