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We follow the Nobel Eightfold path because the Buddha, who attained enlightenment and discovered the truths of the universe, that this was the best way to attain the same enlightenment he attained.

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11y ago

We follow the Nobel Eightfold path because the Buddha, who attained enlightenment and discovered a path to freedom from suffering and stress, told us that this was the best way to attain the same enlightenment he attained.

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8y ago

"Follow" implies a need to obey. The Eightfold Path is not like the Ten Commandments of Christianity which requires obedience to it's precepts to avoid eternal damnation. The Eightfold path is a set of guidelines, which if understood and internalized, will lead eventually to enlightenment, a reduction in one's suffering from unskillful living, and a potential escape from the cycle of death and rebirth.

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Q: Why do buddhists follow the eightfold path?
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What tells buddhists that they should follow the Eightfold Path?

Suffering, because the eightfold path is a way to end suffering.

What are the Buddhists rules?

All Buddhists follow the Four Noble truths. If you are looking for more specific rules, look at the Eightfold Path.

Do all buddhists follow the eightfold path?

No. Most are simply born to Buddhist parents and call themselves Buddhists, by default. They don't even know what is the eightfold path. Same was with their parents, and their parents, too, in many cases. Only if they feel an inclination to further study their heritage they will learn it. Buddhism is not enforced - it is given to whoever asks for it.

How to achieve Buddhism's goal?

Follow the Noble Eightfold Path.

Why do Buddhists follow he enlightened path?

to not be reincarnated

What religion follows the eightfold path?

The eightfold path is path of Buddhism.

Would it be easy for a person living in Britain today to follow the Noble Eightfold Path?

Of course it would be as easy as you would be dedicated to it. The Noble eightfold path knows no frontiers. It is not a geographical thing and you need not do pilgrimage to any other holy sites than your own mind. For more info on the noble eightfold path, follow the related link below.

What is the Buddhist way to end suffering?

Buddha taught that the suffering we experience is caused on deluded thinking. The reality of suffering is explained in the Four Noble Truths. Buddha's prescription for ending suffering is the Eightfold Path (google it). The hard part is actually realizing how to follow this Path. The problem of correct approach to the Eightfold Path is often discussed in the teachings. If one were to survey all the practicing Buddhists in the world today, only a tiny percentage have been so successful on the Eightfold Path as to have awakened. However, even those who have not yet awakened have laid a foundation of awakening in a future life and also avoided much trouble in their present life.

Is the eightfold path is impossible to follow?

Nothing in the Eightfold Path is prohibitive for any Buddhist to follow. Other criteria such as the need for celibacy are applicable to monks, but these are not part of the Eightfold Path.Answer:The eightfold path is practised on the path of meditation. The path of meditation is the fourth of the five paths which encompass the whole journey until complete enlightenment. On the path of meditation you go from the 2. Bhumi to the 10. Bhumi.So, unless a lay practitioner (Buddhist) is already a 2. Bhumi-Bodhisattva (a highly realised being), it would be unrealistic to expect that he or she can perfectly practise the eightfold path right now.However, it is no unrealistic that a lay practitioner will at some point be able to practise the eightfold path since the scriptures explain in detail how to reach this level and there are accounts of realised beings who have gotten this far and even further.

How is the Eightfold path linked to Samsara?

The eightfold path is linked to samsara because if you do everything in the eightfold path you will get really good karma, which will help you in your next life

What do Buddhists say about adultery?

Adultery is not covered specifically in the Eightfold Path, but in general lust, greed, hurting others etc. are. These if followed. would preclude adultery.

What Buddhism teaching s to do they follow why?

Buddhists are limited to following those teachings that they know of and of those, those that they want to follow. There is no compulsion to follow any, except enlightened self interest..Buddha only suggested that one could eliminate pain from one's life by eliminating desire. He then made suggestions as stated in the Eightfold Path.