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Try to think of an Avagadro number (1 mole) as being a unit similar to --- say a dozen.

1 dozen eggs has 12 "particles"

1 dozen baseballs has 12 "particles"

1 dozen footballs has 12 "particles"

So all three of above have 1 dozen "units". It is the same with an Avagadro number - all with 6.022 x 1023 units. However just as all three examples above have different masses yet all are one dozen. It is the same with an Avagadro number (or 1 mole. )

So 1 mole of hydrogen molecules has a mass of 2g but 1 mole of Uranium atoms has a mass of 238g (because they are much bigger in the same way as a football is bigger than an egg).

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Q: Why do different masses of the elements have the same avagadro's number of particles?
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