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When they need air or just to play sometimes. If it is in an aquarium, they are trained to a whistle and hand commands (movements).

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12y ago
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12y ago

Dolphin's breathe in air, but they can hold their breath for long periods of time. When they come up to the surface or jump out of the water, they are coming up for air.

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14y ago

dolphins cannot stay underwater forever, so they will rise to the surface from time to time. sometimes they will leap out of the water to get air instead.

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13y ago

dolphins leap out of water because they are also mammals and they also need to breath air such as us. So they jump to catch a breath of air

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13y ago

not all of them, some, most. It depends how they are feeling and where they are. (I'm not an expert just to let you know)

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Q: Why do dolphins leap out from the water?
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Are dolphins bored when they are under water?

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