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Because Calcium Carbonate contains a source of calcium it is added to flour. All manufacturers must add calcium into flour by law. This helps our bones and muscles stay healthy.

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Q: Why do flour manufacturers add calcium carbonate to flour?
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How do you neutral calcium carbonate?

Add some acid...

If the soil is too acidic what should you do?

add calcium carbonate

What happens if you add iodine to calcium carbonate?

calcium iodide will be formed and also carbon dioxide

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If you add calcium carbonate to 100g of water at 25oC, only 0.0014g of it will dissolve. Additional calcium carbonate will not dissolve.

What happens when you add oil to calcium carbonate tablets?

Any reaction occur.

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How do you make calcium sulphate using calcium carbonate?

Mix dilute hydrochloric acid with calcium carbonate to obtain a calcium chloride solution; then add sodium sulphate solution to the calcium chloride solution to obtain calcium sulphate precipitate.

When you add calcium carbonate to loam soil why does it stop the soil from becoming to acidic?

Calcium Carbonate decreases organic matter and grain yields so that although there is a lot of leaves about - the soil won't be too acidic. Calcium Carbonate may be particularly effective with soil under a tree.

What chemicals do you add together to make calcium chloride?

calcium carbonate, hydrochloric acid CaCO3 + 2 HCL = CaCl2 + H2O

What happens when you add calcium chloride to potassium carbonate?

When you add calcium chloride to potassium carbonate the products will be solid calcium carbonate and aqueous potassium chloride. The chemical equation for this reaction is CaCl2(aq) + K2CO3(aq) --> 2KCl(aq) + CaCO3(s). This type of reaction is called a double replacement/displacement reaction.

If your soil was too acidic what could you add to it to reduce the acidity?

Type your answer here... calcium carbonate

How do I make calcium carbonate crystals?

Calcium Carbonate is insoluble chemical compound so all you have to do is decant or filter.... think about this, how do you separate sea shells from water? sea shells are made from calcium carbonate, that's why you see then on the beach all the time because they are insoluble.