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Here earthquakes occur because the 2 plates, continental plates, both are colliding with each other so due to friction, there are lots of movements so they collide, they cause movements on the earths crust so-earthquakes occur and because they are continental crusts they can't sink so they have to go somewhere so they move upwards so they cause fold mountains.

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Q: Why do fold mountains and earthquakes occur at collision plate margin?
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What are plates moving toward each other?

Plates that move toasted each other are detractive plates meeting at a destructive margin. If a continental and an oceanic plate move towards each other, earthquakes and volcanoes occur, this is called a subduction margin, but if the plates are both continental then fold mountains form this is a collision margin

What are plates that move towards each other?

Plates that move toasted each other are detractive plates meeting at a destructive margin. If a continental and an oceanic plate move towards each other, earthquakes and volcanoes occur, this is called a subduction margin, but if the plates are both continental then fold mountains form this is a collision margin

Where do earthquakes volcanoes and mountains occur along?

Along the tectonic plate boundaries.

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Because it was the earthquake/tectonic activity that built the mountains in the first place.

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... a mountain range like the Himalayas is formed.

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Earthquakes occur on convergent boundaries because as the plates bump together, the ground becomes unstable. This process of plate movement also causes the formation of mountains.

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Mountains are not required for an earthquake to occur. Recently, in flat areas such as Kansas and Oklahoma, earthquakes have been on the rise.

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Because of the big grinding of the conservative plate margin cause the land to go back and forth