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The color of a mineral will be much more obvious than the color of the streaks. The streaks and base color can be any exciting combination, streaked minerals make great additions to jewelry or decor.

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13y ago

some minerals have the same color but a different streak and vice versa.

Example: pyrite and gold

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Q: Why do geologists use both the color of a mineral and the color of it's streak to identify the mineral?
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Which property is used to identify minerals uses the color of the mineral when it's broken up?

It is the streak property. The streak is the color of a mineral in powdered form.

How do geologists identify the minerals too small to be seen in a hand specimen?

color streak and luster

What property uses the color a mineral when it is broken up to identify it?


What mineral test leaves a line of powder on a plate?

It is called the streak test. It can help identify the mineral by the color of the streak that is left.

How do you identify minerals according to streak?

Minerals can be identified by their streak, which is the color of the mineral when it is broken down into a powder. To test a mineral's streak, a streak plate (usually made of unglazed porcelain) is used. The streak is usually compared to a streak color chart, which contains the colors of a variety of minerals. To test a mineral for its streak, take a small piece of the mineral and rub it on the streak plate. The resulting powder is then compared to the streak chart to identify the mineral. Streak is an important property of minerals because it is more reliable than the external color of the mineral. External color can be altered by impurities and oxidation, but the streak of a mineral does not change. Therefore, testing a mineral's streak is an effective way of identifying it.When identifying minerals according to streak, it is important to consider the following properties: Color - the color of the powder when rubbed on the streak plate. Luster - the shine of the powder when rubbed on the streak plate. Texture - the feel of the powder when rubbed on the streak plate. Opacity - the transparency of the powder when rubbed on the streak plate.By considering these properties when testing a mineral's streak, it is possible to identify the mineral accurately and quickly.

The streak test that is used to identify minerals involves studying the -?

color of the powdered form of the mineral

What are four characteristics of mineral which can be used to identify it?

Color, streak color, hardness, cleavage, and chemical.

What two ways can the appearance of a mineral help to identify it?

the color and streak or luster

One way to help identify a mineral is to rub it against a piece of porcelain tile This procedure tests the of the mineral?

That procedure tests the streak of the mineral. Oddly, the streak color of some minerals are different from the mineral's color.

Does the color of a minerals streak depend on the color of the mineral?

No. It can vary from the visible color of the mineral and, since visible color of them ineral is not a reliable indicator of type, it is important to learn to use streak, (along with other factors), to correctly identify a mineral.

Why is using a mineral's streak more reliable then using color to identify a mineral?

Some minerals can be the same color but have different streaks.

The color of a mineral powder is its?

The streak of the mineral is the mineral's powder color