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most girls don't and that is very offensive to assume all girls do because i certainly don't and not every girl does but when they do it is because they could be compare their shape to someone else out of jealousy

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Q: Why do girls look at other girls while they change?
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well first of all just dont look at other girls asnd then you wont have that isue but if you cant not look at other girls then just let her know that you love her and that wont change just from looking at some girl

Why do girls look at other girls?

Girls look at other girls either in curiosity, jealousy or because they are mad at the other girl and is maybe giving them a dirty look. Girls may also look at other girls if they have feelings for the other girl. Sometimes girls look at other girls because they admire them. They see these girls in a positive light, and many times they wish to emulate them or to be like them. Hello, role models!!! Remember, the younger the girl is the more concerned she is with self image, and who better to model than other girls.

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