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So They Can Grow & Devolpe In A Good Way.

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All living things need protein as, many organs are made of protein.

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Q: Why do growing children need more proteins?
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Why does a child need more proteins than an adult?

Because children are still growing, adults are already full grown.

Why might young children need more food than adults?

Young children are still growing so they need more food. Adults aren't growing any more.

Why do children need more milk then adult?

because they need it more

Why is it essential for growing children to take protein rich food?

Growing children (they always have to grow) need to take those extra proteins in their diet. Body is made up of proteins and so children has to be supplied with extra proteins and other nutrients in their diet.

Why do young children need plenty of proteins?

For growth

Why are proteins required for children?

Almost every essential function in humans is carried out by proteins; all humans need proteins.

Why the healthy diets of adults and children may be different?

Younger children especially need more protein than adults because their bodies are still growing.

Why do young children and teenagers have high energy needs?

They are growing so they need more energy/food. (Also, they are always active.)

Do children or adults have more memory?

Yes, because children are still growing up don't have much memory in their brains as adults do. Children still need to grow older for more information to hold but adults their heads are full from using when they were child. :)

How much sleep do you need to be healthy?

Most adults need 6-8 hours of sleep, but children or growing people may need 7-9 or more, depending on age.

Why do young children and active teenagers have high energy needs?

They are growing so they need more energy/food. (Also, they are always active.)

What Are Protein's And Why Are They A Dietary Necessity?

proteins is on of the important nutrients of a balanced diet and it is necessary because proteins is the nutrient which helps in growing. It is used to make new cells in our body our nails, hair and skin cells contain proteins, and they do need proteins to be healthy.