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To keep warm. A 'desert' is not necessarily an area of intense heat, like the Sahara desert. Even in a hot area though, there is another issue, and that is the fact that the land does not absorb that intense heat well, meaning nights are especially cold.

Syrian hamsters perform a lot of their activity at night, so they sleep in their underground burrows during the heat of the day, and then go foraging during the cold night.

Long-haired hamsters are not naturally occurring, these have been artificially bred by humans as a pet variety.

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Q: Why do hamsters have such long fur when they live in the desert?
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Do Fancy Syrian Hamsters have long fur?

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Do hamsters have fur?

Yes. Of course. Most mammals have fur.

How have hamsters adapted to life in the desert?

Hamsters are well adapted to the desert. The Syria desert has cold nights and the hamster's entire body is covered in fur to keep warm. They burrow to protect themselves from the daytime heat.

Does a hamster have fur?

all hamsters have fur exept for hairless hamsters and hamsters with a certain kind of skin disease.

Does hamster have fur?

Yes, hamsters do have fur.

What are the characteristics of animals that live in the desert?

Desert animals usually have some way to live a long while without water. Most of them are nocturnal, and come out at night, when is is much cooler in the desert. Many also have a way to live with out food for a while as well. Desert animals also have rough scales, or fur.

Do short hair Syrian hamster have pouches?

Syrian Hamsters have pouches, it does not matter how long their fur is.

Are Syrian and teddybear hamsters the same?

No.Teddy bears have long fur, while Syrians have short.

Do hamsters shed?

No, hamsters do not shed. They have fur. Only reptiles shed.

How do you get the big balls of bedding out of your hamsters fur?

All long haired hamsters should be brushed regularly. You may have to clip out the knots to begin with. Carefully of course.

Why are hamsters furry?

Most hamsters especially dwarfs live in cold countrys. like the Russian dwarfhamster. that's why it needs fur. They also have hairy feet to protect them from the snow.

Does a hamster have scales?

No, hamsters have fur.