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Humans hunt turtles so they can eat the meat or turn it into local delicacy's, and to make the shell into ornaments that they can sell to people like tourists.

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Q: Why do humans hunt the green sea turles?
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Related questions

Who are sea turles related to?

They are reptilian so they are related to lizards.

Does the green sea turtle paralyze its food or does it hunt in groups?

They are vegatarian...

Where do sea turles live?

live on shallow , costalwaters,bays lagoons and estaries

How does humans and technolgoy affect the green sea turtle?

humans pollute, that kills thousands a year

Are humans harm to killer whales?

Yes they are. They can harm them by polluting the sea. Humans have also been known to hunt them for skin and meet.

What is a Green sea Turtles Preadators?

Sharks and humans I would imagine.

How does the green sea turtle hunt or gather food?

Sea turtles eat sea jellies as they are the easiest of animals to catch as they will not react to it's presence. Most sea turtles mistake plastic carrier bags for sea jellies though, then suffocate and die.

Are sea turles human friendly?

The answer to your question is simple they can be at some points but tend to run away from humans. They are just like other turtles in that regard. I found info about them and am linking you to it in the related links section below.

Where do sea turles usually live?

it live in water :D but they surface and come onshore to deliver eggs.

What eats green sea turtles?

The baby green sea turtle is eaten by racoons, seabirds and crabs. The only animal that can eat an adult green sea turtle is a shark.

Is turles gokus older brother?

no radtiz is his brother but turles is a saiyan who just looks like him turles might be bardock brother dont know look it up

Is the green sea turtle a danger to or helpful to humans?

Why should I know! I'm only in the 5th grade. But to the answer no it's not a dangerous to humans.