

Why do laser emit such intense light?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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The beam from a LASER light is all the same frequency. It disperses slowly making it very powerful. Coherent light.

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Because the light doesn't "spread out" like in a light bulb. Instead, the light rays goes in straight lines, meaning it is concentrated, therefore intense.

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What makes lasers laze?

the lasers are pumped or energized by rays of laser diodes. then the laser diodes emit laser light into the semi conductor rod to cause it to laze. the semiconductor rod is stimulated to emit a high coherent light impulse

What does a laser produce?

A laser is a device to produce an intense monochromatic beam of coherent light.

What is an intense focused light of similar wavelengths?

A LASER is very intense. It only has one frequency of light. It can be spread out and focused using lenses.

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Hotter stars flow with light that is more intense at shorter wave lengths. The hottest stars emit their radiation in short violet light wavelengths. Their light appears blue white when observed.

Is a laser beam the straightest thing on earth?

Not nessacary. It can also be a fine stick, or a piece of wood. But it can be among the straightest. This is because a laser beam somewhere will emit light.

What makes up laser light and how is it used?

Laser light is different from ordinary light. Laser light consists of light waves that all have the same wavelength, or color. The waves are coherent, or in step. A laser is a device that produces a narrow beam of coherent light. The word laser comes from a phrase that describes how it works: light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. Light amplification means that the light is strengthened. Stimulated emission means that the atoms emit light when exposed to electromagnetic radiation.

How does the material used in a laser affect the type of light emitted?

To make an atom emit light, an atom in the outer shell, or valence shell, must be knocked into a higher orbit. When it falls back to its valence shell, it falls back a specific distance and emits a photon of a specific wavelength. We see that as light of a particular color. Every element will have the orbit above the valence shell at exactly the same place. Each material will emit light of exactly the same color. To get a laser that will emit different colors, you would need to make your laser from several different materials.

How does the materials used in a laser affect the type of light emitted?

To make an atom emit light, an atom in the outer shell, or valence shell, must be knocked into a higher orbit. When it falls back to its valence shell, it falls back a specific distance and emits a photon of a specific wavelength. We see that as light of a particular color. Every element will have the orbit above the valence shell at exactly the same place. Each material will emit light of exactly the same color. To get a laser that will emit different colors, you would need to make your laser from several different materials.