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diffusion of gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) to & from air in lungs and capillaries in alveoli

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Q: Why do lungs have thin permeable walls?
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Why does human lungs need thin permeable walls?

To allow for gas exchange, i.e. oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Are the lungs where walls are made of a single layer of cells forming semi permeable membrane?


Which blood vessel is permeable?

Only capillaries have permeable walls; veins and arteries are not permeable.

Why do the walls of the capillaries and aveoli need to be thin?

The walls of alveoli are thin to allow the exchange of gases (Co2 and O2) between blood capillaries and the aveoli in the lungs.

Are cell walls and cell membranes selectively permeable?

Cell membranes are selectively permeable while cell walls are semi-selectively permeable. Keep in mind that only low level organisms, like plants, have cell walls.

What are the hollow spheres of cells within the lungs where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged?

The alveoli are the hollow spheres of cells within the lungs where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged. They are thin-walled, and closely associated with the thin-walled capillaries that surround them. Oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse across these thin walls to move from the blood to the lungs.

What reduces the friction between the lungs and the walls of the thorax?

The pleurae, which are membranes with a thin layer of liquid between. The inner pleura covers the lungs and the outer pleura is attached to the chest wall itself.

Is cell wall is a permeable membrane?

it is not selective permeable. - Cell membranes are selective permeable. Cell walls are fully permeable - which means that it allows all substances/molecules to pass in and out of the cell. It is located outside of the membrane.

What are thin-walled sacs in the lungs are?

the thin-walled sacs in the lungs are the alveoli. they are tiny are sacks in your lungs.

What are thin-walled sac in the lungs?

the thin-walled sacs in the lungs are the alveoli. they are tiny are sacks in your lungs.

What are thin-walled sacs in the lungs?

the thin-walled sacs in the lungs are the alveoli. they are tiny are sacks in your lungs.

Can liquid really pass through walls?

Depends on what the wall is made of, for example a permeable or non permeable material.