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It is a mixture of water and sugar. They are still separate and can be divided out, so there is no formula.

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A solution of sugar in water has an uniform appearance.

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Q: Why do mixtures such as sugar and water lack a chemical formula?
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Why are mixtures (such as sugar in water) not given chemical formulas?

If the sugar and water are considered a mixture, they are thus comprised of different parts, and a single chemical formula cannot be reached. However, if every molecule of water is connected in some way to a molecule of sugar, then the substance is a solution, and a chemical formula may be given.

Is sugar and water is heterogeneous?

Sugar and water are chemical compounds, homogeneous materials, not mixtures.

Is sugar and water heterogeneous?

Sugar and water are chemical compounds, homogeneous materials, not mixtures.

What is the chemical formula for dish soap and water?

There is none. Dish soap and water form a mixture. Mixtures do not have chemical formulas.

Does bottle water contain sugar?

The chemical formula for water is H20 there is no sugar if there was it would be called sugar water.

What is the chemical equation for the compound sugar water?

SugarGlucose is a sugar monosaccharide (monomer): C6H12O6Table sugar (sucrose) is C12H22O11There are lots of sugars (monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccarhides). Glucose is one of the most important carbohydrates because it is used in cell respiration. All carbohydrates including sucrose are hydrolyzed in digestion - broken down to glucose. The splitting and transformation of glucose is what powers ATP production, which in turn supports cell activities.

What is mixtures for sugar water in chemistry?

Simple: water solutions of sugar.

What is the chemical formula for carbonated drinks?

Chemical formulas are not used to describe mixtures. Carbonated drinks are a mixture of water, sugars and flavorings with carbon dioxide gas dissolved in the water.

Name the scientific word for sugar water?

Any chemical species dissolved in water has a (water) formula at the endfor example, salt in water is NaCl(water)The scientific name for solid sugar is C12H22O11The formula for water is H2OSo the formula for sugar water is...

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What mixtures can dissolve?

Sugar can dissolve in water.

What chemical formula H20?

H2O is 2 hydrogens plus 1 oxygen and that makes the chemical formula for water.