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"Molecular Bonds"? They don't. Your question makes no sense.

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10y ago

Because sodium chloride is an ionic, polar compound and acetone is a nonpolar solvent.

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Q: Why does acetone have less cohesion than water?
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Does ice float on water because of cohesion?

Ice floats in water because it is less dense than water. It is nothing to do with cohesion.

Do different liquids have a different amount of cohesion?

Because of different densities (ex. water and oil)

Is acetone thicker than water?

No, acetone is about the same viscosity as water.

Why does acetone have a lower surface tension than water?

water is more polar than acetone

Why does acetone evaporate so fast?

Acetone evaporates faster than alcohol and water because alcohol and water contain intermolecular hydrogen bonding but acetone does not. This is the reason alcohol and water have higher boiling point than acetone and evaporate slower than it.

Why a drop of water put on a glass plate spreads?

because the cohesion of water molecules is less stronger than the adhesion of the water molecules

Does caffeine dissolve in acetone?

Caffeine is soluble in water - but not HIGHLY soluble. You can dissolve a lot more caffeine in the same volume of water compared to what will dissolve in an equal volume of acetone. It dissolves better in hot acetone than in cold acetone.

Why did water dried up first than acetone and alcohol?

water has a lower vapor pressure than alcohol or acetone, so it requires more heat energy to cause it to evaporate.

Why does a small amount of water on placing over a glass plate forms an oval shaped drop?

because the force of cohesion of water is far less than the force of adhesion between the molecules of water and the glass top

What is is less dense then water?

Most commonly available substances that are less dense than water is oil, alcohol and plastic. In fact, a number of organic solvents such as acetone, methanol and methylene chloride are also less dense than water. In addition, a number of different kinds of polymer are "lighter" than water, too.Hmm... potassium and sodium? :DCredit: To the other answer linked below.Read more: What_substances_are_less_dense_than_normal_water

Why does acetone dissolve in water?

Acetone will float in water because it has a lower density than water. A few other liquids which will float on water are: ethanol, ether, methylated spirits and olive oil. Some that will sink in water are: chloroform and mercury.

Why does water have a meniscus which curves upwards?

The Water molecules have a higher adhesion than cohesion. The would rather stick to the walls of the container than to itself.