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Molly fish and and goldfish don't really go that well together...

We once owned a molly and a black moor, which was pure Horror for the moor. Constant nipping at its tail, and aggressive dominant behaviour in the tank during, after, and between feeding... It was real sad to watch.

The pet store we bought them at said they would be fine together - that was a big lie! We soon got rid of the mollies before any permanent damage was caused on our Moor.

Now we have the black moor tanked with a panda moor, and they're best friends (most of the time :))

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Q: Why do molly fish follow the goldfish around all the time?
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Can goldfish and black molly live in the same fish tank?

as far as i know yes,unless your fish is aggresive

Can molly fish babies survive with goldfish?

Mollies are tropical fish and should be kept above 70F. Goldfish are coldwater fish and should be kept below 70F. They should NEVER be kept together.

Do molly fish and goldfish live together?

tanga hndi eh bawal na gagu They can.

Why does your goldfish in a fish tank follow you around when you walk by it?

Maybe it recognises you as the person who feeds it and is hoping you will give it a little treat to nibble on.

Does a goldfish know your voice when you talk around them?

for only he goldfish or fish know that

What if your goldfish seems to be trying to mate with your black Mollie is that possible?

Goldfish are cold water fish and should not be kept in an aquarium with a tropical molly. There is no way they can cross breed. Fish are not stupid and do know the difference between one of their own species and a species that should not be in there with them. It is quite possible the goldfish will eventually kill the molly. Failing that, if your tank is not heated, the Molly will probably die during the winter if the temperature gets below 65F for too long anyway.

Goldfish a dalmatian molly a black goldfish and a red wing platy How often should you be feeding them?

You are doing the wrong thing to your fish. Goldfish are large growing (over 10 inches)coldwater fish and should have temperatures around 55F. Mollys and Plattys are small tropical fish (around 1.5 to 2 inches) and need a temperature of around 70F. Either your goldfish or your tropicals will be suffering. The metabolism of tropical fish is higher than that of coldwater fish. This means that the tropicals should be fed several times daily (at least 3) provided their water temperature is correct. The coldwater fish should be fed at least daily if their water temp is correct. MY advice. Separate the tropicals from the coldwater fish and do the right thing by them.

How big are molly fish fry at birth?

Molly fry are usually around 6mm long.

Is molly fish a fish?

Yes, a molly is a fish.

Do goldfish eat fighting fish?

YES!! At least the fry. My Fan Tailed Goldfish LOVED the fact that my daughter's Mollies gave birth... like a swimming vending machine. Separate the birthing mother from the rest of the tank with a breeder(cheap and worth it). When finished with the birthing process (about 12 hrs) remove the mom to the rest of the tank and keep he fry in the breeder until about 1 inch long. Then they are too big to be eaten.

How do you heal a goldfish lip?

You don't. You look after the fish properly and nature will do the repairs just fine provided you follow the rules. The basic rules for keeping fish healthy are. :- 1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water.(a goldfish is a 10 inch fish) :- Every fish tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. :- Every tank needs at least 50% of its water replaced every week. If you follow the above rules and keep the fishes water at around 65F to 70F it may survive. If you fail to follow them I can guarantee that your fish will not survive for long.

Is Having goldfish and freshwater fish OK?

I imagine you are asking if you can keep goldfish with other freshwater fish. And the answer is; yes and no. Most freshwater fish prefer to be at a higher temperature (around 80F) whereas goldfish prefer around 65-70F. It usually doesn't work out very well, but it doesnt mean that its impossible.