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Because when the female mosquito attempts to bite you the stinger on their mouths poke a hole in you so they can suck your blood, after that it leaves a bump because of the force with which the mosquito pulled out the stinger!

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13y ago
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14y ago

Yes, in fact they can! I got bitten by a mosquito on the back of my head yesterday. That mosquito was really adamant! It got through really thick hair, and a bike helmet to bite me!

I guess that was the only place I didn't spray with Deet.

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13y ago

yes they can cause huge bumps which do not look very attractive with very low hair they also tend to be very hard and very annoying

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Can mosquito bite pictures help me determine if my bites are from a mosquito?

Yes, mosquito bite pictures can help you determine if your bites are from a mosquito. Simply compare them to pictures of mosquito bite pictures online.

What happens if male mosquito bite?

a male mosquito can bite you, but they tend to bite animals. Usually large ones like horses

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a canary could die from a mosquito bite if the mosquito has the west nile virus.

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It is a mosquito bite.

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mosquito bites are not contagious.

How to protect from mosquito bite?

mosquito replellant. malaria nets

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The difference between an ant bite and a mosquito bite is quite simple. These bites come from two different insects.

Can I get Ebola through a mosquito bite?

Mosquito bites can cause septicemia indirectly. A mosquito bite can cause malaria, which can quickly turn into sepsis. Sepsis is the body's often deadly response to infection or injury.

Is typhoid caused by a mosquito bite?

Mosquito bite does not give you typhoid. Typhoid is specifically transmitted by fecal oral route.

What can aggravate a mosquito bite?

Scratching a mosquito bite can aggravate it. Many have found that applying a paste made of baking soda and water to the bite can relieve itching.

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If a mosquito bite is changing colors, you need to visit a doctor. What you may think is a mosquito bite may be a bite from another insect.

Can people die by a mosquito bite?
