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so that they could save money and organize for college.

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Q: Why do most people agree that students should take a year off before going to college?
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You shouldn't; it's just a process created by the college board to stress students out before the AP Biology Exam

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so that they can know which classes to have once they're in collage and if they have to go or want to go twice.

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Most people take out student loans in order to pay for college. To apply for student loans and federal grants, students should complete a FAFSA application on

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No, because they are all older than 18 and should be able to choose what they wear in college.

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Just about every college should be out for the summer in August, but it may vary in some colleges?

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A good welcoming speech for college students should start out by congratulating everyone to getting as far as they have come. You should also talk about where their schooling is going to get them in life.

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there to much people in the world I think that they shoud give free scholerships for people in buissnes. but there GPA should be higher than 3.5

Where can prospective students of a college find resources?

Prospective students of any college should make sure they know where the college library or learning resource center is. This will provide them with excellent resources. They should also make sure they are familiar with the college site online because that can give them good background information.