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  • Narcissists need to always be complimented; dramatize their lifestyle or indeavors;adored; admired, etc., and it's 'running out of supplies' for the narcissist when they want to come back to the partner they were with. This means the narcissist is not being supplied to boost his or her's ego and they know they can more than likely get the boost (like a drug addiction) from their former partner.
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when they come to realize their mistakes. It happens most times but not always.

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Q: Why do narcissists come back?
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How do you spell narcissists?

This is the correct spelling. Narcissists.

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I don't think this kind of behavior is unique to narcissists.

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Narcissists accept no blame FOR ANYTHING. And they thrive on getting you to feel pity. Its the way they truly get control over you. Lastly, if its your fault, they can still come back later and beg you for another chance. DON'T DO IT!

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Anyone could do either - in the view of many narcissists everyone else is there to flatter and supply them with what they need emotionally. You can go from being overvalued if you are doing this 'pumping up' to being apparently hated and put down viciously (often behind your back too) as soon as you don't do what they feel you should be doing.

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Narcissists do NOT fear abandonment - they fear being without "supply" and not in total control.

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Sometimes. Narcissists want to be waited on and catered too. Run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Not usually

Are narcissists depressed as well as narcissistic?

Narcissists will often get depressed when they lack narcississtic supply (some kind of admiration from others.)