

Why do penguins have short legs?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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11y ago

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Penguins appear to have very short legs and no knees because only the lower leg is externally visible. Their knees and upper legs are feather covered.

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Q: Why do penguins have short legs?
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What type of legs does a penguin have?

Penguins have very short legs with no knee bone to help it bend its legs, so that's why you see penguins waddling.

Do penguins bend their knees when walking?

Do penguins have knees? Yes. Penguins appear to have very short legs and no knees because only the lower leg is externally visible. Their knees and upper legs are feather covered, hiding them from view. This also means that penguins never get cold knees

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How many legs do penguin have

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they have have legs so they can walk on land

Do penguins have scaly legs?

Yes they do.

Do penguins have actual legs?

Although you don't see them, penguins do have knees and upper legs. They are completely enclosed within the penguin's body.

How many arms and legs do penguins have?

2 arms and 2 legs

Do penguins move if so how do they move?

Although penguins cannot fly, they move swiftly underwater, using their wings like flippers. On land, they walk on two legs, but because their legs are short and this is not a very efficient way of moving, they also slide along on their bellies on the snow and ice.

What is the difference between a duck and a flamingo?

Well, first of all the both: Can't fly. They have beaks of course. ------------------------------------ Differences: Penguins live usually in the cold (Antarctica mostly) Flamingo are usually considered to be pink Penguins Waddle Flamingo have very LONG legs. Peguins legs are short.

How many legs does a penguins?

It haz 2 legz

What is Another name for a penguins nest?

Penguins dont have a nest, they develope 1 egg, And they carry it around with them in between their legs. When the mother goes to feed, The father takes over and put the legs in between its legs.

What is a penguins pouch called?

penguins do not have a pouch, they put the egg between their legs and cover it with their body fat