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if the people know alot about their religion and believe it makes sense to them why can't they believe in it its what they think is sensible to believe in :D

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Q: Why do people believe in the religion they were brought up in without asking themselves.. why is this the right one?
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What do people without religion believe?

People without any organized religion tend to believe in themselves. They believe that what they see is all there is. They believe that their "destiny" is controlled by either themselves or those around them. They believe that when they die that's it, they're gone. They generally believe in the theory of evolution, that we are all here by chance.

Why believe in religion if there is no evidence supporting it?

There is no logical reason to believe in any religion if there is no evidence. The debates between religions themselves, and religions vs. atheism are all about evidence. People who believe in a religion should do so based on the evidence, and many evidences of God, Creation etc. have been given and are currently being debated. What you believe will be determined on how you interpret the evidence for and against any given religion. The real challenge is to do unbiased research, looking at the evidence without any presuppositions, so you can properly assess the evidence.

Do atheist mean to believe in a creator but not realigion as the full truth?

Atheist means no belief in a deity whatsoever, we most certainly do not believe in any divine creation. With regard to religion as a "full truth", without a deity there is no religion and the basis of religion (its historic record,morality and science) these are full of errors. misconceptions and without demonstrable fact. Atheists do not then believe in religion.

Do you need Christianity to believe in Jesus?

No. Christianity and Religion were created by mankind to oppress the masses. You can believe in God, Jesus, whomever, without the unnecessary baggage that comes with religion.

Do you have to be religious to believe in life after death?

No, you don't have to be religiouse to believe in life after death. You can believe in this prospect without having any religion at all...

Do Muslims believe in Islam?

Yes. Actually the question is posed in a difficult fashion. Muslims believe that Islam is the religion that God wants people to follow. This entails that Muslims believe in God alone without partners and they believe that Muhammad is the final prophet of God. Everything that Muhammad brought is the final guidance to mankind until the day of judgment.

What are some benefits to society from religion?

i believe that organized religion provides no decency in society. attacks of terrorism are said to be carried out in favor of religion. children are molested by priests, who are bound by rules of religion. i truly believe that a world without organized religion would be a better one.

What is the name for someone without a religion?

Aethiest if you strictly do not believe there is a God. Agnostic is when you're not sure if there is or is not.

Who was the foundrer of the religion?

The first person who discovered people would believe in something without a lick of proof.

What is the purpose of monastries?

Monks go there to study whatever religion they believe in, without distractions from the outside world.

What are benefits of living in a country where you can practice religion freely?

Being able to believe what you want without persecution.

Why was the Islamic religion made?

Islam just occurred without any particular reason, as did any other religion. Muslims believe that Allah (God) communicated his will to the prophet Muhammad, who started the religion.