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Go to Account, Privacy Settings, Block List, type in the name of the person you want to block, or their email address and click block.

Once you've clicked block, a list will pop up with profile pics, chose the one you want to block, click the Block button next to them and that's it :-)

I don't understand what your saying? :-S

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13y ago

make a fake profile and search for the person, theres no way otherwise it would defeat the purpose.

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Q: Why do people block someone on Facebook?
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If I block someone on Facebook and we are in the same community groups, will (s)he still be able to see my posts?

No, if you block someone on Facebook, they can not see any of your activities

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To remove someone from your Facebook you unfriend them and if that doesn't work you can block them. That will take them off.

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You can stop someone by sending message only by blocking that person from your Facebook. Messages will only be stopped when you block the person who is stalking.

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Can you block someone on Facebook who has deactivated their account?

search their name with a different facebook account.

Can you block people from viewing your facebook?

Yes you can

Can you block people on Facebook?


How do you stop someone from emailing you on facebook?

You could try Account / Privacy Settings / Block Lists and add the person's name in the block users box. The help text for this facility says: Once you block someone, that person can no longer be your friend on Facebook or interact with you (except within applications and games you both use).

How do you block people from poking you on facebook?

There is not a feature to stop people from poking you on Facebook.

Is there a way to stop Facebook apps that people post from your Windows phone?

block it from your facebook wall

How do you block people on Facebook chat?

From Accounts->Privacy Settings you can edit your block list for this purpose.