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Most people who bully do so due to having high levels of insecurity.

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Q: Why do people bully me because I'm are a christian and because I'm a republican?
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Why do people bully me because I'm a christian and a republican?

People are simply mean. Im a Christain and Republican and people say stuff about my views that kinda ticks me off. When you look at it tho those people who do that to you arent Christians probably. Which means that's your opertunity to reach out to them and tell them about God. But also in the Bible it says dont do anything to get them back because God will return that in your favor. All you can really do is pray for those people even though it may be hard you got to to stay true to your faith. I hope this helps:) God bless you :)

Why do people verbal bully?

Well, people verbal bully because it makes them feel in control and powerful.

Why do people text bully?

people text bully because they feel braver than doing it in person.aliceefangirl xx

Why do people in gangs bully?

Because their black!

Why are issues of harassment and bullying so difficult to resolve?

Because PEOPLE WON'T TELL! Alot of the time people are scared to give the bully away because the bully has threatened them, also it is also hard to detect a bully when the bullying is cyber because nobody has seen the bully do it face to face.

Why do children bully at school?

because people are stupid.

Why is it not good to bully people?

Bully's make people sad and bully's make fun of people and hurt them.

How many people die from being cyber bullyed?

people don't acally die from cyber bully because a cyber bully is a bully that threatens , or make fun of people online. but it dose hurt people some people get depressed or other things.

Why does WikiAnswers bully you?

No all the people on WIkianswers bully you, only the mean people on Wikianswers bully you. People like the supervisors on bully you.

Why do you call people mean names?

Alot of "bullies" will call others a name because they are insecure about themselfs. I am not bullied nor am i a bully. It's really sad how people bully people because they are abused at home

How many people bully people?

Many people bully but that's no the point people bully to usually get their anger out on others by being mean. Bullies usually become bullies because of what happens at home. To read more go to related links.

Why do people have so many friends?

because the friends of the main bully are scared of him / her . as long as they are with the bully they wont get picked on . from JTT :)