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Vampires have amazing features and talents and people envy them because people aren't that gorgeous.

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Q: Why do people envy vampires so much?
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Do people live in parangaricutirimicuaro?

yes vampires do and so do outlaws that get turned into vampires because the vampires bite them.

How do people act if their near vampires?

well vampires are not real, so they would not act like anything.

Why do you think in todays society people are so fasinated with the idea of vampires?

Vampires are mystical and something we can't have. We tend to be what we are not.

Add your name to the desscusion if you believe in vampires and if you dont edit it into the answer?

personally, i think that there are vampires, but they are people with rare conditions. so in the religious sense, no i don't believe in vampires

Does Envy hate Father?

Yes , very much so ; the 1st series explores this hatred .

Are vampires territorial?

I believe that if they have something to protect, then they are very much so.

How do you get a real live vampires email address?

There isn't much you can do, just keep searching on the web about vampires and you never know on a chat website someone might actually own up. But just remember people think they are vampires and some pretend they are vampires. So you can never really be shore if you are talking to a real live vampire.

What the definition of envy?

Envy is when you want something that someone else has and you can't have it, so you envy them.

Are there vampires in transylvania?

Dracula originally stayed in Transylvania for awhile. He gave rise to the interest of vampires due to his actions. I do not believe in vampires but I believe in people who will act as such, so yes there are in Transylvania.

You heard about some people who think theyre vampires and bite people are they really vampires and should you be worried?

Vampires are real, and we have rules for everything we do. So you shouldn't worry about an attack. But for people who think Vampires are fake, well the truth is those people are afraid of the truth and will not listen to others for there God D@mned life, because what people do not understand will always be shot down and ignored.

Why do some people say that vampires do not exist and others say they do?

Some people say they do not exist, because they think that it is very weird to have vampires on earth.Other people say they do exist because they believe in their own dreams about vampires. Even I believe in vampires but my friends say they do not but ill follow my opinion and ill care about my opinion.If you don't belive vampires are real then its your opinion. So,belive in what you belive in.make sure to never take no one Else's opinion it is your decision to think if they are real or they are not real so i think vampires are real!

Why are the legions of vampires and werewolves so popular?

Maybe because people like them!!