

Why do people hunt sharks?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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15y ago

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Most sharks are getting killed because in China, Japan, and other Asian countries, they cut off their fin (all over the world this happens) and throw them back in the water. Then, some times they import them from North and South American countries.

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14y ago
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8y ago

Sharks attack and kill 10 humans per year, on average. Humans, in contrast, annually kill about 20 to 30 million sharks, according to the Florida Museum of Natural History's Department of Ichthyology. That shark death estimate, based on commercial and sport fishing landings, could even be conservative. It is therefore not too difficult to see which species poses the greater threat to the other. After 400 million years of shark evolution, we could potentially wipe out the world's sharks in a century's time.

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15y ago

sharks have been painted by society as blood thirsty villans. Because of this some sharks have been victims of revenge for their natural instinct and other are hunted for their fins. Shark fin soup is very popular in high end restaurants and unfortunately fishermen are catching the sharks cutting off their fins and tossing them back into the water.

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11y ago

because sharks kills 100 people every year and they eat people too sometimes

Check your infos before you easily accuse a wonderful creature you don't really know. Sharks have killed between 1580 and 2011 a sum of 471 people, Google it in more than a couple of sites and, if possible, from valid researches, and this only because they don't have enough fish to eat, we have destroyed their natural environment, we kill 100 millions of them every year for a ...soup and, in fact, they mistake us for seals or some other aquatic animal.

Oh, and about the whys people fear sharks, well, have you heard of brainwashing? Shark movies, filled with blood, where the 'bad' shark kills purposely, thing that an aquatic creature just doesn't do. Maybe it's a good way to fill people with fear so to kill our supposed 'enemies' without guilt or reactions.

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13y ago

Sharks are not the mindless killers that you might believe. Sharks are amazing creatures and to see them up close and in their turf is quite an experience.

I have been diving with Great Whites and honestly the sharks only wanted the fish... and not the humans in the cage. I wrote an article on shark diving and other adventure activities, just click on my web page to view it.

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14y ago

Shark fin soup!!!!!!!!!!!!

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people should not fear them they should fear us we hunt them for food and it is environmentally wrong and it is animal curtly.

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No, sharks do not have a nest. Sharks are animals that for the most part hunt alone, except for a few species that will hunt in small packs.

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Yes, because people hunt them. We kill more of them, then they kill us.

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