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Hunting animals is not always illegal. There are still areas in the world where people hunt and kill animals for food. In modern America, we have rules to govern hunting (and fishing). Most areas require a hunting permit and regulate the method of hunting, which animals may be hunted and the number of kills permitted to the hunter. Hunters are expected keep the animals for meat consumption.

With an increasing human population, the areas where wild animals are able to live and get food has decreased greatly and that area may not be able to sustain a large population of animals. Animals such a bears may go into populated places looking for food and pose a danger to people. Overpopulation of dear and other animals may result in not be able find enough food. Rather than hurting people or dying of starvation, authorities when necessary allow hunting seasons to cull the animal population so that the rest of the animals may survive.

Out of greed, necessity or for the thrill of it.

In poor countries, some people might see the choices as poach or starve. Illegally caught animals can either be eaten directly, or sold off to buy food.

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12y ago

Um Disclaimer, I'm Afraid You Have Not Correctly Answered This Person's Question To Its Exact Purpose. You Had Stated How They Hunt Them Not Why. Now To Answer Your Question. The Main Cause For Hunting Endangered Animals Is Normally For These Reasons:

  • They Desperately Need The Food
  • They Want To Do It "For Fun"
  • They Do It To "Prove Skill"
  • They Do It For "Target Practice"
  • They Wont To Be A "Rebel"
  • They Don't Know They Are Endangered
  • They Simply Don't Care
  • Etc.
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15y ago

People want fur and don't think about the outcome. People don't understand how serious their actions are.

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Q: Why do people hunt endangered animals when it is illegal?
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No, we shouldn't hunt endangered animals, because then they would eventually become extinct. If someone finds a endangered animal, they must bring it to a vetrinarian immediately.

What is the definition of a poacher?

A poacher is a person that trespasses on private property to shoot or catch wild or endangered animals! I think that it is someone that hunts without a license and not necessarily during the given season in which to hunt. people who hunt animals illegally. people who hunt animals illegally.

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It is illegal to hunt any non-human primate anywhere in the world, weather that primate is endangered or not.

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They are called poachers, and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

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