

Why do people pick on nerds?

Updated: 8/23/2023
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12y ago

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This is because they have nothing better to do. They are just jerks. Some of them they try to make themselves look good by showing off and making fun of them, thinking they are better, but they're really not.

It's really a case of 'The pot calling the kettle black', as these outcasts from the societal norm are extremely uncomfortable when the limelight is cast upon them. Persons within the societal norm are confident in themselves, and overcome any inner need to pick on others.

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12y ago
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14y ago

Disapproval of nerds is partially a matter of envy, by people who are simply not intelligent enough to be nerds, but it does also have to do with the fact that it is possible to overdo anything, including intellectualism. A well balanced life is healthier than one which takes one element to extremes while neglecting other important elements of life.

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10y ago

They *as in jocks or popular kids* believe they are better than a "nerd."

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Why do people call other people nerds?

Though one may blame it on glasses or a respectably uninhibited display of intelligence, people call others nerds when said "nerds" act in a way that undermines social norms. Nerdy behaviour is usually characterized by obsessive behavior, inability to pick up on social cues, and lack of common sense or 'street smarts.' Generally a nerd is booksmart but socially inept. Having to ask that question puts one in the 'nerd' category.

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Nerds and smart people (aka "intellectuals" as respectable people call the, and nerds and geeks, as stereotypical society calls them.) are two completely different people. Webster's definition states that a nerd is an unattractive and socially inept person. A nerd can still be a nerd and have a 1.0 GPA or an F- average. For all of society to hear, SMART PEOPLE ARE NOT NERDS!

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they are better than you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Nerds Are Just Smart People If Anyone Calls You A Nerd Be Happy So They Act Normal

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because the dumb people are jealous

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nerds, dorks, and geeks. And people who were ugly clothes

Are the people who answer these questions nerds?

I am not. But i don't know about the rest of them.

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4 nerds