

Why do people think it okay for bullfights?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Because they think it is beautiful. Many Americans too.

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Q: Why do people think it okay for bullfights?
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Do they have bullfights in Columbia?

Yes, Columbia has bullfights.

Why are there no bullfights in Rome?

Bullfights are not legal in Italy.

What is Spain famous animal?

I think it is the chrone but i am not for sure.

Is bullfighting okay?

It is illegal under Federal Law in the United States of America.BUT:Bloodless bullfights are legal in some places in the U.S. However, they have not really caught on.

How many bullfights are there per week in Spain?

There are well over 100 bullfights in Spain every week. People travel from all parts of the country to watch these battles.

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One province in Spain has banned bullfights.

What forms of recreation are enjoyed by the people of South America?

soccer, cricket, and bullfights

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norms are what people think are okay to do in society

How many bullfights are there in a year?

There are well over 10,000 bullfights every year around the world. About 210,000 bulls die every year due to these gruesome battles, along with a high number of people.

Is there anything okay about animal cruelty?

in my opinion no but other people think other wise.... people think that animals shoud suffer but i totally disagree... leave your comments and say wether you think there is anything okay about animal cruelty x

What forms of recreation are enjoyed by south Americans?

Soccer, cricket, and bullfights.