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Q: Why do people use soil instead of dirt?
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Can you use dirt instead of soil?

my brother had told me yes so i planted them

What are several ways to improve the growth of a household plant?

Use soil instead of dirt and use aqua globes instead of watering cans. Also, you can add a fertilizer with the right amount of nutrients that the soil is missing.

Can I use dirt from my backyard for potting soil?

Yes, you can use dirt from your backyard for potting soil. However, it might not be very effective.

Why do people use soil instead of sand?

Soil generally has more nutrients and holds water better

What can i do without soil?

use rocks or dirt

What kind of soil do you use for rhododendron in a container?


How do you use the word phosphorus in a sentence?

Phosphorus dirt and soil.

Are soil and dirt synonymous?

In general use, yes. Dirt, however, can mean any messy substance. Soil (aside from its use as a verb) more usually is applied to horticultural material in which grass or plants are grown.

How do you find out the pH of your soil?

You dampen the dirt and use some Ph paper to find out the ph.

Is it possible to build a taller raised planting bed without filling the bottom with dirt?

Instead of filling the entire bed with soil, you can use empty plastic water or soda bottles on the bottom, then fill the rest with soil. This will not only cut down on the cost of soil, it will also allow good drainage for the plants in the bed.

What is dirt use for?

dirt is used for killing people and building mesopotamian houses.

Why do worms live in dirt?

I think worms live in dirt because they catch their food in the soil. So that is why worms live in dirt.