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Many people that have been sexually abused feel guilty for many reasons. They need to know that what happened is not their fault and they should not feel guilty or blame themselves for the actions of the abuser. It is very important that if you have been abused in the past or currently, you need to talk to someone that you trust so they can help you. For kids be sure that it is an adult, such as a parent, teacher, or counselor.

A person can simply feel guilty because they blame themselves for being abused. An abuser is usually someone that is very good at manipulating people, and could easily make you think that it was your fault. Just remember that no matter how much they tell you that it is your fault, it is never your fault.

Another reason why someone may feel guilty is that they love or loved the person that abused them such as a family member or a boyfriend/girlfriend. This can stop someone from seeking help because they would be turning in someone they love. Keeping the abuse a secret will only encourage the behavior to continue because there has been no attempt at stopping it, so get help.

One of the most common reasons someone could feel guilty is that they experienced sexual arousal or gratification from the abuse. Your body responded the way it was designed to respond, which you could not control. This does not mean that you should feel ashamed of those natural feelings because again, you had no control to stop them.

So remember that no matter what the circumstances were, it was not your fault and you should not blame yourself or feel guilty for something that someone else did.

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