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This is due to their biological cloak

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Q: Why do plants bear flower and bear fruit at different times of the year?
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How are desert plants different from plants?

Desert plants have evolved to store water. They have needles instead of leaves. They have spongy stems to store water. They only flower in times of good rain.

How often dose a flower reproduce?

A flower blooms once, then turns to seed. Some plants will flower constantly. Some plants will rebloom several times a year.

What flowering plants have thorns?

most cacti flower, plus roses and some times if you get lucky ivy does

How often do apple trees produce fruit?

Apple trees produce fruit once a year. Different varieties mature at different times.

Can you plant varieties of flowers in the same flower bed that would come up at different times of the year?

Absolutely! I plant daylilies that bloom mostly in summer in the same flower bed as columbine that blooms in spring and asters that bloom in fall. The important thing is that the plants have similar water requirements. You can't put plants that need a lot of water next to plants that need only a little water.

When do banksia trees grow?

Banksia trees are evergreen plants which are native to Australia, and therefore grow all year around. They also flower at different times of the year, with many species flowering through Autumn and winter.

How do commercial growers produce plants such as poinsettias and chrysanthemums that flower at times when they would not flower in nature?

Most times this is done through the use of green houses where the enviornment can be controlled, so the plant is under the type of conditions that it usually flowers in.

Which is the thing comes 1 time in a year 2 times?

Plants which flower every year for two years are called biennials.

When is passion fruit ready for picking?

The plants will begin to produce fruit 8-20 months after planting out. Fruit is produced throughout the year, but there are usually peak times for harvesting. Plants will produce for 3-6 years. Often the highest yielding plants will die back first. When ripe, the fruit will fall to the ground where they can be picked up.

Do different colors of jelly set at different times?

If they are artificially coloured - no. But if you are making jelly from scratch with fruit, yes as different fruits have different affects on the gelatine.

When is the best time to collect different parts of plants to get a better yield of the active constituents?

It depends which plant you are referring to. Plants mature at different times of year.

The conditions for seed germination and plant growth are different Explain why?

because different plants have different germanation and growth times