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Plants have the April-May rains and the May-June sunshine, so they grow faster.

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Q: Why do plants grow faster in June?
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Why do most plants grow faster in June than in summer?

Plants grow faster in June than in summer for a couple of reasons. They are younger, so they are growing to reach maturity and growing conditions are usually more favorable in June.

Does manure or soil grow plants faster?

I think manure helps plants grow faster due to nutrients and nitrates.

What plants grow faster than others?

mostly small.But plants grow faster in sunlight.

Does juice make plants grow faster?

the juice will make the plants grow faster because the juice has more products

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i think plants with more leaves grow faster because roots grow faster the more they get H2o but with plants with fewer leaves grow slower because they don't get that much support from they root arrow

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it grows faster

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No plants want grow if they don't have sunlight at all.

Coffee grow plants faster?

plants will grow in coffee grinds as long as it is mixed with soil

Does soda make plants grow faster?

No :)

How do you make your plants grow faster on Moshi Monsters?

Your plant will grow faster if your monster's health and happiness are good. A sad monster's plants will take 2 days to grow. A happy monster's plants will grow in 4 to 6 hours.

What liquid makes a plant grow faster?

Water is the liquid that makes plants grow faster. Also Plant Food make the Plant Grow Faster.