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It's Not Disappearing.In 1992 President Bush called for the production of chlorofluorocarbons CFC's (such as well known refrigerants called Freons and the fire extinguisher gasses known as halons) to be halted (the Montreal-London Protocol) in 1995. Scientists believed that CFC's were causing the hole.

1. The hole was first discovered in 1956, before CFC's came into existence.

The scientist who first discovered the "hole" was Dr. Gordon Dobson, he concluded that it was a natural phenomenon that appeared annually near the end of winter, and the hole vanished suddenly with the onset of spring

2. The "hole" is not a hole.

The ozone "hole" is actually a thinning of the ozone in the ayer. The lowest ozone concentration ever recorded in the "hole" was 30% of the normal level.

3. Worldwide ozone layers are actually increasing.

Average ozone levels are higher right now than they were in 1962, even though CFC use reached a maximum in 1974.

4. The worst-case ozone depletion scenarios of the environmentalists due to changes in the weather, solar activity, and latitude.

The (global disaster" that the environmentalist predicted was a decrease in average ozone levels by less then 10% in the next 100 years

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10y ago

The ozone layer is disappearing due to various man made and natural reasons. Major of them being usage of Ozone depleting substances by humans. They contain chlorine which destroys ozone molecules in the ozone layer.

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14y ago

See "What is causing the depletion of the ozone layer?" in the "Related questions" section below.

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9y ago

Scientists believe the ozone layer is disappearing for many reasons. Release of synthetic chemicals called CFC's is one.

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10y ago

The don't "think" the ozone level is being affected, they measure it with systems such as absorbtion spectrographs and measure its change.

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10y ago

Ozone layer is depleting because of CFC gases. It has made holes in Ozone layer.

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What is causing the loss of the ozone layer?

CFC's are causing loss of ozone layer. They react with ozone to deplete it.

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CFC's are causing damage to ozone layer. They react with ozone to deplete it.

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See "What is causing the depletion of the ozone layer?"

How is ozone layer depleted?

See "What is causing the depletion of the ozone layer?"

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See "What is causing the depletion of the ozone layer?"

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See "What is causing the depletion of the ozone layer?"

Ozone layer what is causing the thinning of it?

CFC's are causing its thinning. They react with ozone to deplete it.

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The ozone present in the stratospheric region of atmosphere filters our cancer causing rays from the sun. This ozone is present in the form of ozone layer.

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CFC's cause ozone destruction. They react with ozone to deplete it.

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See "What is causing the depletion of the ozone layer?"

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See "What is causing the depletion of the ozone layer?"