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Seeds need to be wet and warm to crack open the shell and start to grow. If it wasn't for this, people would not be able to store seeds.

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Q: Why do seeds need wet soil to germinate and grow into big tree prove it?
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Related questions

Why do seeds not grow in a packet?

Seeds need moisture to germinate, and seed packets are dry.

Does cooking seeds make them grow faster?

Cooking seeds will make sure the seeds do not grow. The only seeds that need heat to germinate are some evergreen tree seeds.

Why doesn't seeds germinate in dry cotton wool?

Certain seeds (like cress or grass) need little to grow, but they do need water. That is why your seeds wont grow on dry cotton wool.

Why do seeds that fell in autumn germinate now?

they germinate now because the seeds fall and the seeds get buried and in the spring it rains and it starts to grow =)ok this is the truth this place or anything that you need to know about plants and some stuff you wont get but this is why

Will frozen seeds grow faster or slower than non-frozen seeds?

They won't grow at all when frozen. Some seeds need to suffer a cold spell before they germinate for example alpines, this does not mean they will grow faster it just means they will not germinate without the cold spell.

Do seeds need sunlight to grow?

Seeds need low light and a constant, warm temperature. Sunlight provides warmth but the light is not necessary.

What two things do seeds need to germinate in soil?

a seed needs sunlight and lots of water to grow

Why don't seeds need soil to germinate?

A plant can also germinate in wet cotton wool.because even soft things such as a wet cloth or a wet paper towelGenerally, seeds need water to grow in soil so that means that yes.

Do delphinium seeds started indoors need light or dark cold or warmth?

My petunia seeds need light and warmth to germinate. My lobelia seeds need light and cold to germinate. What does my delphinium seeds need?

Does a seed need sun to grow?

In a way, yes. Some seeds germinate only when covered with soil, but the actual triggering mechanism depends on the wavelength of light reaching the seed. Seeds that germinate in "darkness" require long wavelength light to do so, ie. heatwaves. Seeds that grow on the surface need short-wave light to start germination.

What substance do seeds need to germinate?


Would you expect most seeds to need sunlight in order to germinate?

No. Seeds are usually underground when they germinate, no light needed.