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Q: Why do so many earthquakes occur in Califonia?
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What season do earthquakes occur?

Earthquakes are not a seasonal phenomenon and so the time of year has no effect on the occurrence of earthquakes. As such, earthquakes can happen at any time of the year as they occur independent of weather and climate.

Why do hurricanes and earthquakes do not happen in south Africa?

Earthquakes can happen, but on small scales, the country does not lie on a tectonic plate, so they will not occur

Why do fold mountains and earthquakes occur at collision plate margin?

Here earthquakes occur because the 2 plates, continental plates, both are colliding with each other so due to friction, there are lots of movements so they collide, they cause movements on the earths crust so-earthquakes occur and because they are continental crusts they can't sink so they have to go somewhere so they move upwards so they cause fold mountains.

Why do so many earthquakes occur along plate boundaries?

It is because the maximum vibration is in that area. The plate boundaries receive the maximum tremor.

What plate boundary do earthquakes usually occur on?

earthquakes only happen at the edge of tectonic plates because of them moving which causes the 'quake' so there are never any BIG earthquakes in the UK because it is in the middle of a tectonic plate

Why do the most deep earthquakes occur at convergent boundries?

because so much pressure is produced

How many earthquakes occur in Utah each year?

more than a thousand each year

Why do not any of you know the answer for what time eartquakes occur?

About 300 or so measurable earthquakes occur around the world each day. So far, it is not possible to predict the time when an earthquake will occur. The best scientists can do is predict the frequency (once in how many years) an earthquake of a specific intensity will occur on a given fault line.

Why does Vancouver have so many earthquakes?

Vancouver has so many earthquakes because it is along the ring of fire, a fault line.

Where do earthquakes and volcanes occur?

Earthquakes occur near faults and near the edges of plates in the earth's crust. Volcanic eruptions occur wherever a volcano is. Volcanic eruptions can occur when magma from below Earth's surface seeps through a weak spot in the crust. Volcanoes occur along plate boundaries, along the edges of plates, so this is where volcanoes occur also.

Why are there so many earthquakes in Asia?

All earthquakes are caused by plate tectonics, that is the movement of the different plates that make up the surface of our earth. Earthquakes occur at the boundaries between these plates, (there are 7 plates), when the plates "bump" up against one another or separate enough. The place where these incident occur are called "fault lines". There are two major fault lines in close proximity to the nation of China, and the activity in these fault lines occasionally coincide, giving the illusion of high activity. The reality is that earthquakes in China are no more frequent than in other areas where plate tectonics occur around the globe.

Is a destructive plate boundary hazardous?

Very much so. This is where volcanoes, earthquakes and even tsunamis can occur.