

Why do sociopaths lack a conscience?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Why do sociopaths lack a conscience?
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Do sociopaths have diabolical minds?

The overriding psychological trait of a sociopath is a complete lack of a conscience. As it is a conscience that keeps most people on the straight and narrow in the conduct of their lives, the lack of a conscience would certainly be a key to someone doing "diabolical things". Couple with a need to "win at all costs", it looks like by many standards, sociopaths can be considered to have diabolical minds.

Can sociopaths cry?

Yes. Sociopaths lack empathy, not the ability to feel sorrow.

Does only psychopaths and sociopaths have no conscience or can just a plain narcissist have no conscience too?

The characteristic of not having a conscience is the main symptom of sociopathy (same thing as a psychopath) and arises, it is believed, from an inability to connect emotionally with others (i.e., no ability to love or care for others situations). Narcissism is a protrayal of high regard for the self, when really, on the inside, the person has little to no self confidence. This doesn't have to do with a lack of conscience--sometimes narcissists are overly involved and can be insensitive to others, but they have the ability to feel that is wrong. Sociopaths don't. If the two occur together (a narcissistic psychopath) than yes, he/she would be w/o a conscience.

Are sociopathic individuals attracted to others of the same ilk?

Sociopaths might find other sociopaths interesting, but would soon fall become bored and frustrated. Sociopaths like easy prey to manipulate, as they like to feel everything is below them. So sociopaths might actually try to avoid other sociopaths.

Why do sociopaths find it hard to commit to a relationship?

Because a major part of a relationship is learning to care about the other person's needs, and a major part of staying with someone is not wanting to hurt them by leaving. Sociopaths cannot by definition do either of those.

What do psychopaths or sociopaths generally suffer from?

As a result of its use by the media, the word psychopathhas become a near synonym for serial killer. The term generally used now is sociopath. Sociopaths have great difficulty learning from life, from experience; and this hampers their emotional development: they are desperately immature and very selfish. They have no respect for others. They lack a conscience; many are sadistic and, above all, they crave victims.

When implicit memories lack this?

conscience or you must be conscious

How does a sociopath react when you outright bust him and let him know that he is truly a sociopath?

Sociopaths almost never recognize their lack of empathy and cruelness as a problem. so if you "bust" him or her, nothing good will come of it. Sociopaths will never change. The conscience boat came floating by when they were young and they never jumped on it, and the boat never comes by again. The best way to deal with a sociopath is to get as far away from them as possible. If you must have contact, have as little as possible.

Is there such a person as a sociopath with an after-conscience?

No. Sociopaths lack the ability to feel compassion for other people all the time. They may, however, fake compassion to fit in or to manipulate others. If someone that you know does hurtful things and then genuinely feels bad afterwards, it may be indicative of some kind of impulse control problem.

What is sexual sociopath behavior?

Sociopaths, by definition, are people who lack empathy and a conscience. That would certainly carry over into their sex lives, where we would expect them to be as exploitative as in any other area. If the individual is only uncaring and thoughtless in bed, you may just need some couples counseling.

Symptoms of a psychopath?

Lack of conscience, morals, empathy and sometimes other emotions.

How do you deal with a child that doesn't have a conscience?

It does take some time for children to learn enough in order to develop a conscience, but then, there are also those who never do, and who therefore grow up to be sociopaths. Unfortunately there is no way to force anyone to care about other people if that person is not inclined to do so. So really, I can only say that a child without a conscience should be handled with care, because he or she cannot be trusted.