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During a gram stain some bacteria retains the stain because they are gram positive with thicker walls . If the bacteria does not stain either it is an endospore bacteria or gram negative with thinner walls, so colorless or red color.

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9y ago
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14y ago

Biologist group most species of bacteria into two categories based on structures of their cell walls. Gram-negative bacteria have cells walls that are complex and and have small amount of peptidoglycan. Gram-negative bacteria take up the second, red dye of the Gram stain process which makes the cells appear reddish pink. Gram-positive bacteria are simpler and have much more peptidoglycan which retains the purple in their cell walls and appear purple.

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11y ago

Some bacteria test Gram positive because they have a thick cell wall made up of peptidoglycan that traps the crystal violet in the cytoplasm. Others test Gram negative because they have a thinner layer of peptidoglycan and crystal violet is easily rinsed from the cytoplasm.

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10y ago

Gram-positive bacteria have a cell wall consisting of a plasma membrane, periplasmic space, and a peptidoglycan layer.

Gram-negative bacteria have the same cell wall structures as gram-positive bacteria. However, they have an additional periplasmic space and outer membrane made of lipopolysaccharide and protein.

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