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The egg cell and the sperm cell contain half the number of chromosomes as all other body cells because during fertilisation they help to restore the chromosome number in zygote. If this is not half then the chromosome number in zygote will exceed the chromosomal no. of parents. This may lead to abnormal deformities.

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13y ago
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11y ago

Because human chromsome consist 46, so they have to be half each parent cell to have 46. If they are 46 chromsome from each parent, then the offspring with have 92 chromsome which will lead to abnormal chromsome that will alot of different genetic abnormality in body that might be transmittted from one generation to another and we dont what to happen.

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15y ago

Sex cells (eggs or sperm) contain only half the number of chromosomes, known as the haploid number, found in the other cells of an organism.

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sex cells are also referred as gametes in Biology.

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Such cells are called "gametes." They reproduce through meiosis. Body cells besides gametes are called "somatic" cells, and reproduce through mitosis.

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12y ago

You get 23 chromosomes from your dad

23 pairs of chromosomes from your mom

fora total of 46 chromosomes

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11y ago

When a sperm fertilizes an egg cell they form one full set of chromosomes enough for offspring

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Q: What are sperm or eggs that contain half the number of chromosomes as the body cells called?
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What cell types contains the least number of chromosomes?

Sex cells contain half the number of chromosomes that body cells contain.

Is the number of gametes twice the number of chromosomes found in the body cells?

Gametes are cells, in humans they contain 23 chromosomes. Body Cells (Properly Called: Somatic Cells) in humans contain 46 chromosomes (2 sets of 23). Some differences or problems can cause this number to change in specific humans, gametes, and somatic cells. Muscle cells may have hundreds of chromosomes, red blood cells have none.

Sperm or eggs that contain half the number of chromosomes as the body cells are called?

Haploid, or (n). In a somatic cell, the chromosomes are diploid, or (2n).

Where are the human cells with 46 chromosomes found?

In humans, the diploid number (or 2n) is 46. Somatic cells contain 2n number of chromosomes. Somatic cells are those that make up the body. Every cells that makes up every organ contains 2n number of chromosomes. Gametes (or sex cells) contain haploid (n) number of chromosomes

How are sex cells different from others human cells?

Sex cells, called gametes, are different to other cells in that they contain half the number of chromosomes. So in a human sex cell, there are 23 chromosomes, whereas a normal human cell has 46 chromosomes.

What are the cells that are used for reproduction and that contain half the usual number of chromosomes?

What we call gametes (egg or sperm cells) have half the number of chromosomes.

How do the numbers of chromosomes in cells compare with the number of chromosomes in sex cells?

The mother gives the egg and the father gives the the sperm and wine they come to get it can make a zygote in other words the baby

Do Body cells only have half the total number of chromosomes?

All body cells contain a total number of 46 chromosomes except sex cells (the egg and the sperm) which have half the number of chromosomes (23) no.... body cells or somatic cells have 46 chromosomes which is the diploid chromosome number of homo sapiens... gametes or sex cells have 23 chromosomes which is the haploid chromosome number...

Does each egg and sperm cell contain a full set of 46 chromosomes?

No. These cells contain only half the number of chromosomes as the other cells of the body. Each egg and sperm cell contain only 23 chromosomes.

The purpose of meiosis is to?

Produce cells that contain the haploid number of chromosomes.

The only haploid cells found in humans are?

Reproductive cells or sex cells of an organism contain haploid number of chromosomes. All other body cells (or somatic cells) contain diploid number of chromosomes

What is the normal number of chromosomes in human body cells?

Each organism has a distinct number of chromosomes, in humans, every cell contains 46 chromosomes. Other organisms have different numbers, for instance, a dog has 78 chromosomes per cell. Somatic Cells - body cells, such as muscle, skin, blood ...etc. These cells contain a complete set of chromosomes (46 in humans) and are called DIPLOID. Sex Cells - also known as gametes. These cells contain half the number of chromosomes as body cells and are called HAPLOID Chromosomes come in pairs, called Homologous Pairs (or homologs). Imagine homologs as a matching set, but they are not exacly alike, like a pair of shoes. Diploid cells have 23 homologous pairs = total of 46 Haploid cells have 23 chromosomes (that are not paired) = total of 23