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It takes several hours for the small muscle contractions to move the meal through the 32 feet of intestines.

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it breaks down the food

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11y ago

4 to 6 hours

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Q: Why is it important that food moves slowly through the small intestine?
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What moves food through to your stomach?

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What moves food through the small intestine?


What happens as foods moves through the large intestine?

As the material moves through the large intestine, water and nutrients are absorbed into bloodstream. The remaining material is readied for evacuation from the body.

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Yes, It does. When the food reaches the point that it is in the bloodstream, It goes through the large intestine.

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Food moves into the large intestine after it has been digested by the small intestine.

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What is the function of the organ known as the small intestine?

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As food moves through the digestive tract it spends the most time in the?

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What process moves materials threw the small intestine?

Perastalsis, the wave of muscular contractions that moves food through the entire digestive system.