

Why do stars move in the sky?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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7y ago

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Because as the night progresses the Earth spins making them appear to move. When the Earth spins once relative to background stars this is known as the "sidereal day" this is different than the normal day in that it is six minutes longer. The sun sometimes obscures constellations so naturally if a human were to follow the sidereal day, halfway through a year of it would have them waking up at night. Stars are also known to actually move but generally very slowly. The closest stars might relocate over the course of a couple centuries or millennia a few arc seconds.

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7y ago

Earth's spin produces the illusion the stars (except Polaris) drift across the night sky. Polaris, or the North Star, appears to make a tiny little circle.

In reality, the stars ARE drifting through the depths of interstellar space, as they whirl around the center of our galaxy in two hundred million year orbits. And as they drift they tend to bob back and forth through the plane of the galaxy, a bit like ponies on a carousel. It is just that they are so distant their proper motion can only be detected with sensitive instruments, or by comparing photographs taken over subsequent years.

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12y ago

The earth is constantly rotating, so the stars appear to move accross the sky from our perspective on the earths surface.

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15y ago

They appear to move across the sky because of the position of the viewer on a rotating planet with a moving field of view.

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That's the result of Earth's rotation.

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Yes because stars move so they would move through the night sky!!!! If you were to watch a constellation, it would appear to move through the sky but really the Earth's rotation and revolution about the Sun gives the appearance of the stars moving.

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cos some are shooting stars and comets! and stars move around

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