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Volcanoes are not randomly distributed over the Earth's surface. Most are concentrated on the edges of continents, along island chains, or beneath the sea forming long mountain ranges. More than half of the world's active volcanoes above sea level encircle the Pacific Ocean to form the circum-Pacific "Ring of Fire." In the past 25 years, scientists have developed a theory -- called plate tectonics -- that explains the locations of volcanoes and their relationship to other large-scale geologic features...

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13y ago
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14y ago

Volcanoes don't usually erupt on tectonic plates they erupt in the cracks on the sides of the plates. And they erupt as a sort of exhaust for the earth.

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13y ago

plate tectonics are able to make a volcanoe to erupt is by when the earths litosphere has a higher strenght and a lower density than the under lying asthenoshere.

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How can volcanoes errupt under water?

The tectonic plates shifting is what causes an underwater volcano to erupt. Plate shifting is also the cause of tsunamis and earthquakes.

Why do volcanoes erupt by boundaries the most?

beause the tectonic plates colide a rise up to form volcanoes they only occur on the boundries of the plates

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Mt. Erubus has tectonic plates made up of parts of the lithosphere. These plates grind together or pull apart and this causes volcanoes to erupt.

How does tsunami erupt?

well there are tectonic plates at the end of the sea and then one of those tectonic plates go up and a tsunami will erupt?

What is a Divergent plate boundary and what happens?

A divergent boundary is where two tectonic plates move away from each-other.

How do volcanoes hold their blast?

Volcanoes don't erupt for even 100s of years. They hold the magma just still until some tectonic plates activate the eruption.

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Where and why do volcanoes occur?

Volcanoes occur when magma makes it way to the surface. The volcano begins as a lava flow but as it continues to erupt the volcano gets bigger. The volcano eruptions are determined by the pressure and density of the magma chamber.

What occurs at the edge of tectonic plates?

Scientists observed that volcanoes and earthquakes occur at the edge of tectonic plates.

When did a shield volcano erupt?

because movement of tectonic plates

Why are no volcanoes found in certain parts of world?

Volcanoes are only found on the edge of tectonic plates & they can also be found on cracks in the tectonic plates which is un-common