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Let's say that if they do, it's not called a "wave", but a "current".

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Q: Why do water molecules not travel with the wave and the transfer of energy in water waves?
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Why do water molecules retain heat energy?

Water molecules retain energy due to heat transfer.

Does it take less energy to heat hotter water than colder water?

Yes, as the molecules of the hot water are already in motion, they need less energy to speed up and transfer it whereas the molecules of cold water need far more energy so that they get into motion and then transfer energy.

Which type of energy transfer occurs when water is heated on a hot plate?

It is called conduction. The molecules vibrate and the energy transferred between molecules from a high temperature area to a low temperature area.

Do waves travel faster in water or air?

They travel faster in water. Water molecules are closer together (more dense) than are air molecules and sound is a compressive phenomenon, meaning that a sound wave is carried through a medium by the molecules of that medium transferring the sound energy one to another. If the molecules are closer together, this energy transfer happens more quickly. Human ears aren't really designed to notice this difference, mostly because we're in air all the time, but dolphins and whales take great advantage of it.

What is the transfer of heat by the flow of heated materials?

I'm not sure I understand your question, but hopefully this answers it... There are 3 types of heat transfer. Conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction is the transfer of heat between objects that are in contact. In other words, the molecules from a hot object bounce into the molecules of another object and transfer their kinetic energy. Convection is the transfer of heat in which particles of matter transfer heat to another location. For instance, say you are boiling water. High energy molecules in the water carry their energy to the air molecules jsut above the water's surface. When this heat is transferred the water molecule will then sink to the bottom of the pot generating what we would call a convection current. And lastly radiation...Radiation is transfer of heat that does not require a medium (matter) to travel. This heat is transferred in the form of electromagnetic radiation (basically light of different frequencies). The sun does this everyday. It delivers a solar wind to planet Earth, keeping us warm! :D

What is the transfer of heat by the flow of heated material?

I'm not sure I understand your question, but hopefully this answers it... There are 3 types of heat transfer. Conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction is the transfer of heat between objects that are in contact. In other words, the molecules from a hot object bounce into the molecules of another object and transfer their kinetic energy. Convection is the transfer of heat in which particles of matter transfer heat to another location. For instance, say you are boiling water. High energy molecules in the water carry their energy to the air molecules jsut above the water's surface. When this heat is transferred the water molecule will then sink to the bottom of the pot generating what we would call a convection current. And lastly radiation...Radiation is transfer of heat that does not require a medium (matter) to travel. This heat is transferred in the form of electromagnetic radiation (basically light of different frequencies). The sun does this everyday. It delivers a solar wind to planet Earth, keeping us warm! :D

When waves travel through water why do the moving water particles continue to return to their starting position?

waves transfer matter, but not energy

When you drop a stone into a pond and the ripples become smaller what type of energy is that?

kinetic energy. It is moving, but getting smaller due to transfer of energy between all water molecules.

What substance easily travel across the cell membrane glucose molecules water molecules or sodium?

Of the three, water will move easily. The others require help and therefore the use of energy.

Why does boiling water make a thumping sound when dropped from a height on the floor from a jug or mug as compared to cold water?

molecules in hot water possess a high kinetic energy that is why vibrate vigorously when hot water is dropped from height on the floor the molecules of water transfer their energy to that of floor as a result floors molecules start vibrating,may be that is why we hear this thumping sound.

Can water waves be described as energy passing through the water?

Yes, water waves, like all waves, are a transfer of energy. The individual water molecules themselves just move up and down, but the wave propagates in the direction where the energy is being transferred to.

When you boil water to make pasta hot water from the bottom of the pan carries thermal energy to water molecules at the top of the pan this an example of?

Heat transfer by convection.