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Q: Why do we incubate during extraction of genomic DNA?
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What is the function of liquid detergent in genomic DNA extraction?

Liquid detergent used in the genomic DNA extraction, emulsify plasma membrane and nuclear membrane promoting lysis. SDS (Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate) is an anionic detergent used in DNA extraction. It removes the positive ions from the proteins, due to this protein loses its conformation and gets destroyed thus the cell membrane gets damaged and cell gets broken.

What is a DNA extraction kit?

kit that is used for dna extraction is called as dna extraction kit here the chemicals that are used for the extaraction are provided in the kit itself many biotech companies are selling those kits

What is the difference between animal and plant DNA extraction?

Plant DNA extractionPlant genomic DNA is more difficult to extract because of the plant's cell wall, which is removed by homogenization, or by adding cellulase to degrade the cellulose that makes up the cell wall. Also, the metabolites present in the plant cell may interfere with genomic DNA extraction by contaminating the DNA sample during the precipitation process.Animal DNA ExtractionPeripheral blood leukocytes are a main source of animal genomic DNA, but sample collection is difficult as blood must be withdrawn from the animal. Blood contains a range of compounds like proteins, lipids, white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, and plasma, which can contaminate the DNA sample. The primary contaminant of animal DNA extracted from blood samples is heme, the non-protein component of hemoglobin.DifferencesThe differences between plant and animal DNA lie in the sequence of bases in the helix. Compounds found in plant cells are absent in animal cells, and DNA base sequences reflect this, as the genomic plant DNA is often larger than animal DNA. These differences affect extraction methods, as it impacts on yield and purity of DNA.

What is the purpose of Trichloroacetic acid in DNA extraction?

Trichloroacetic acid is used for precipitation of the DNA during its extraction.

What is the purpose of RNA extraction?

RNAse destroys the RNA and hence RNAse contamination is a problem in RNA extraction as it breaks down RNA. RNAse enzyme is removed by using RNAse inhibitor or precautions like wearing of gloves, autoclaving tips , using RNAse free water/DEPC treated water is done while performing RTPCR

Why grind the liver in a DNA extraction lab?

the purpose of grinding any substance during dna extraction is cell loosening.

What is a map of the distribution of cloned genomic DNA from genomic clone libraries?

physical map

What is the difference between Plasmic DNA and Genomic DNA?

the genomic DNA large and is the one that forms chromosomes. however, the plasmedic DNA is a small circular vector of DNA (3 kb - 5 kb)

Where does genomic DNA present in a tissue?

In the mitochondria

What is function of Buffer AP1 in DNA extraction?

The buffer AP1 is vital in DNA extraction as it acts as a cleanser to break up the lipids surrounding the cellular membrane. The buffer also maintains the right environment for the DNA so it is not damaged during the extraction process.

How much percentage of genomic DNA is active?


Why is there a need to break down the membrane during DNA extraction?

Simply to reach on DNA and extract the gene of interest.