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woodlice loose water rapidly and by living under stones it prevents the sun from affecting them therefore they are able to retain more water. But sometimes they live under rocks and logs because its damp and wet.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

worms live under stones because they like shelter

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βˆ™ 6y ago

because they don't like sunlight

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Q: Why might woodlice live under stones?
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What is a woodlices habitat?

woodlice like to live under things that are dark so they don't get dried out, eg: under stones, plant pots, and under bricks and wood.

How does a woodlice survive under stones and barks?

Wonderful wording - reminiscent of Lynne Truss! They survive in damp, slightly cool shelters, so need to crawl under stones etc. Their food is damp, decaying wood or woody plant material, so they are associated with bark etc.

How many woodlice live under a rock on average?

None because they would live under wood.

What are facts about woodlice?

They live in damp, musky areas and usually live under bricks, inside tree stumps or under large stones. They eat decaying plants, or soft or rotting trees. They also sometimes eat animal waste for nutrients.

Where is a woodlouse found?

in damp dark places eg. under rocks and big stones

Why do woodlice live under bricks and stones?

Because They Don't Like The Light!!Improved answer: they live in damp areas and keep out sunlight. Sunlight make the temperature of the area higher. They don'tlike it.

Where woodlice live?

Woodlice are crustaceans; even though they live on land, they require a damp environment to keep from drying out. Leaf litter and hollow logs trap moisture, protect them from the heat of the sun, and...

Why do a woodlice like to be under a rock?

Invertebrates live under rocks as to avoid being eaten by predators like birds and mice.

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Slaters live under rocks, old wood or in damp soil. Source:

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Where do woodlice live?

You can find them in a leaf litter habitat or even the rotting log habitat They also can be found inside chickens. Improved answer: Woodlice also live in damp areas and keep out sunlight.

Where might one find a video of the Rolling Stones' 'Under my Thumb'?

A video of "Under my Thumb" by the Rolling Stones is available to view at a variety of websites. These include YouTube and Metacafe. You would be able to watch the music video or a live version of this song.