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The moon does not rotate so on Earth we always see the same side no matter where the observer is.

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The Moon rotates with the same period that it orbits Earth.

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Your moon always shows the same face to the earth?


Why is one face of the moon always seen?

This is because the moon's rotation on its own axis exactly matches its rotation around the earth, meaning the same face of the moon is always facing the earth

Why do astronomers on earth always see the same side of the moon?

15 days one side 15 days other No it's always the same face. Because the moon spins on its axis exactly once per its orbit of the earth. It's a tidal friction effect. In zillions of year's time the same face of the earth will always face the moon also.

Do people of different side of globe see same face of moon?

Yes. The moon spins at just the right speed so that the same face always faced the Earth.

Why do you see the same side of the moon every day?

The moon rotates in the same direction as its orbit. The rate of rotation is such that the same face is always pointing at the earth.

Does a thin crescent moon always face the same way?

No. If it is right before a new moon the crescent will face one way, the crescent after a new moon faces the opposite way.

How much is a day on earths moon?

24hoursAs the moon always shows the same face to the Earth, would not a day on the moon be infinitely long?

Why does the same side of the moon always face the earthy?

The Moon always faces the same side because its gravity with Earth makes it pull around us. When you see half of the Moon its because of the way Earth is rotating or how the Moon is positioned.

It takes the moon 27.32 days to orbit the earth it also takes the moon 27.32 days to rotate one time on it axis This explains why.?

This explains why we always see the same "Man in the Moon" face; we're always seeing the same side of the Moon.

Does the same side of Venus always face earth?

Yes. The moon is tidally locked to the earth, so that whether the moon is new, waxing, full, or waning, we always see the same side.

Does the moon spin around?

Yes it does but at the same rate that the Earth spins. Therefore we on Earth always see the same face of it.

Why does the visible surface of the moon always look the same?

The Moon's face does change - but not much. The Moon's rotation is generally aligned with its orbit, so that the same face is always turned to the Earth. But the Moon's ORBIT is somewhat eliptical, so the speed of the Moon in its orbit varies a little. So instead of seeing just 50% of the surface of the Moon, we can actually see about 60%, and the "face" in the Moon turns just a little side to side as the Moon follows its decidedly NON-circular path.