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i take in air and bring out carbodioxide

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Q: Why do you breathe out cold air when is cold?
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Why does it feel warm when you breathe out but cold when you breathe in?

Because your body warms the air as you breathe in - the air retains heat as you exhale.

Does cold air make it harder to breathe outddoors?


Why does cold air make you sleepy?

It does for me because it makes it harder to breathe. I have asthma.

Is it better to breathe in cold air vs hot air when you sleep?

trying to lose weight sleep in cold, trying to gain weight sleep in hot.

How can you see your breathe when it cold outside?

Your breath is substantially colder than the outside air... when your warm breath suddenly is immersed in that cold air, it forms condensation.

How does cold temperature affect the ability to breathe?

It shallows breathing bcause the cold temperature causes your lungs to contract

When you breathe onto a cold window droplets appear it is an example of?

Condensation - the cold glass causes the warm air to condense from gas to liquid.

What is occurring when you can see your breath on cold days?

The air that you exhale contains water vapour. When you exhale during a cold day, the relative humidity increases. Relative humidity is actually the percentage of the amount of water vapour in the air.(the maximum amount of water vapour that the air can hold at that temperature) The colder the air, the less water vapour it can carry. When exhaled, air mixes with cold air, the temperature of the exhaled air drops, but there is more water vapour. When the air becomes saturated, (relative humidity is 100%), the extra water vapour will condense, allowing you to see your breathe on cold days.

What makes you cough?

Cold air does not cause a cold. Germs from a person with a cold is the only thing that causes a cold. Being out in cold air weakens your immune system making you more susceptible to contracting an unwanted illnesses. It is not the cold air itself that gets you sick.

Why do people breathe out water vapor on winter days?

Steam is created when the cold air hits warm breath.The reaction of the warm breath hitting the cold air creates steam. Steam is water in vapor form.

Mammals breathe air with what?

They breathe air with lungs.

Do rope fish breathe air?

They do breathe air.