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one does not feel any pain when epidermis is injured since the first layer of the skin does not have nerve endings.

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Q: Why do you do not feel pain to cut your nails?
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Why do not feel pain s to cut your nails?

You do not feel pain when you cut your nails because your nails do not contain any nerves that can cause pain.

Why don't you get hurt when your cut your nails or hair?

Your hair and nails do not have any nerve endings in them. Nerve endings are what allow you to sense pain. Without nerve endings, you cannot feel any pain, and that is why you don't get hurt when you cut your nails or hair.


Because there are no nerves in your hair or nails. When you pull on them you are making the hair pull on your scalp, which contains nerves and can thus cause pain. Cutting your hair doesn't touch any nerves, so it doesn't hurt.

Why do not you bleed when your nails and hair are cut. Please answer it fast waiting for the results?

Nails and hairs do not have a network of blood vessels. They are mere accumulation of a protein called keratin. These proteins are neither associated with the circulatory system nor with the nervous system. Hence, we neither feel pain nor does it bleed when our nails and hair are cut.

Why do they cut them selfs?

We cut or selves because we want to controll the pain we feel. we figure if we cut at least we can contoll it. deep inside we feel pain and aloneness.And the only thing we can controll is the pain we bring to or self

Why do people feel pain when they get cut?

Pain is caused when nerve endings are exposed - they signal to the brain that there is damage to the skin and tissue, and we feel that as pain.

Which part of human body doesnt not feel pain after cutdown?

nails,hairs,dead cells

When do you cut toe nails?

When you feel that the size of your toe nails are undesirable, unsightly, and/or uncomfortable. Since mine grow EXTREMELY slowly, I cut mine once a month. They usually get to about 1.5 cm before I cut them. No, I do not measure them. o_o

Why you do not feel pain when you cut your nails?

Because there are no nerves in your hair or nails. When you pull on them you are making the hair pull on your scalp, which contains nerves and can thus cause pain. Cutting your hair doesn't touch any nerves, so it doesn't hurt.

Why not to cut nails on Saturdays?

There is no reason to not cut your nails on Saturday.

Which body parts you do not feel pain when you cut down?

Your hair and fingernails do not have nerves, so you can cut or clip them without pain. If you clip your nails back too far, there are nerves in the flesh underneath the nails that can cause pain. The top layers of the epidermis can take shallow cuts and scratches with little to no pain. This layer is very thin. It is what peels off when you get a sunburn.

Can you cut chicken nails?

Yes, a chickens nails can be filed or cut.