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We pay for electricity even if all the electricity that flows into our houses flows out again because electricity is not a recyclable form of energy not like water which does not stop its cycle in nature. Besides that, we have limited sources of electricity nowadays though, people are still continuing to look for alternative sources. That is also why we are paying much for our electricity.

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14y ago

We pay for electricity mainly because it is not a recyclable form of energy and we have limited sources of electricity though people are still searching for alternative sources.

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10y ago

Electricity is expensive to produce and transmit, it is not provided free of charge otherwise the companies that provide this service would very quickly go bust.

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Q: Why do you pay for electricity if all the electricity that flows into your house flows out again?
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it supplies electricity all over the house, including the electrical appliances.

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Hydro electricity is electricity generated by moving water, usually from dams nowadays. Electrical power is all the same. It flows through wires.

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Farzanah Begum Yasin........ scientifically proven time and time again. From small things like irons and laptops to a whole house with all the electricity turned on......even if just for a few seconds.

What can be done with electricity installed in your house?

You can utilize all of the new equipment that operates on electricity.

What order does electricity flow through the parts of a motor?

No order. It flows in all of the parts at the same time.

Does all electricity enter the ground after it passes through your house?

No, the electrons go back to the transformer they came from where they are pushed again by the changing magnetic field, thus reentering the cycle.

What is a mainswitch?

It is the switch in your house that turns on/off all electricity.

In what situations is electricity dangerous?

Whenever it CAN pass through your body - your heart, brain and muscles are all sensitive to current flows.

How is electricity used to create a magnet?

If an electrical current flows, there will be a magnetic field. This is a law of nature; so all you need to do - basically - is make sure a current flows. The current should be DC.

What is household electricity called?

household electricity is called alternating current because when you have elecricity in your home,your elecricity will travel all over your house to make the electricity flow.

What lights up when electricity flows through?

Electricity flows through the path of least resistance. Electricity will flow through anything conductive; metals, liquids, and even through small particles. Your insulators are porcelain, glass, plastics, wood and cloths. All variances of voltage is deadly. The most dangerous thingabout electricity is the current or amperage. As little as 17 miliamps can stop your heart.