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Hot air rises.

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Q: Why do you use hot air for hot air balloon instead of cool air?
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Does a hot air balloon have helium inside it?

No, I am sorry, but there is no helium inside a hot-air balloon. Instead, there is hot air.

Is a hot air balloon an example of convection?

Yes, It is because in a hot air balloon the hot air rises and the cool air falls down.

How does a hot air balloon stays in the air?

A hot air balloon can stay in the air because the hot air is less dense than cool air. The hot air that is blown into the balloon causes it to rise and a burner is used to heat the air inside of the balloon to keep it floating.

How does heat make a hot air balloon go up?

Hot air rises. By heating the cool air in the balloon using a propane heater, heats the air and makes the balloon rise

Would a hot air balloon pilot heat or cool the air in the balloon to make it rise?

He would heat it.

Why does it have to be hot air and not cold inside the envelope of a hot air balloon?

hot air rises; it is lighter than cool air It does not have to be Hot Air inside the balloon, unless you want that Balloon to rise up.Hot Air is less dense than Cold Air and hence the former is lighter.

What is the importance of the burner in a hot air balloon?

If the burner fails or runs out of fuel, the hot air in the balloon (that gives it lift) would cool and the balloon would come down to earth.

How does a hot air balloon use hot air to rise?

Because hot air rises and cool air sinks. the reason why is because hot air is less dense than cool air so the cooler air will sink

What does a hot air balloon use to make the balloon go down?

Hot air balloons go down by releasing the hot air in the balloon. Normally you just let the air inside cool and descend slowly. You release hot air only if you wish to descend more quickly.

Why does the heating of gas cause a hot air balloon to rise?

Because hot air rises and a hot air balloon utilizes this. As the hot air rises it lifts the balloon so that it lifts off from the ground. And the reason why the hot air balloon has a burner, the thing that is connected to the balloon itself and shoots flame into it, is because the hot air inside the balloon begins to cool causing it to fall so the burner reheats the air so that it doesn't return back to the ground.

Why does a hot air baloon rise?

They rise because the hot air from the fire in the balloon art weighs less then the cool air around the balloon. so it floats up and rises. It uses convection energy. Hot air is less dense and rises and cool air is more dense and sinks.

How the hot air balloon can rise up into the air even through it doesm't have a motor?

A rubber ball rises up in the water because it is full of a substance (rubber) that is lighter than the same volume of water. A hot air balloon rises up into the cool air because it is full of a substance (hot air) that is lighter than the same volume of cool air. The hot air balloon floats in cool air, just like the rubber ball floats in water.