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Q: Why doctors suggest to do karyotyping for 2months old boy baby?
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What is an example of karyotyping?

Karotyping showed that the baby

Is weight 3.7kg adequate for a 2months old baby?

no. it is too light!

How long after eggs hatch do babies leave nest?

# it takes about 1-2months for a baby bird leaves its nest.

Do doctors know if you are miscarring?

Doctors don't know for sure if you are going to miscarry but they can determine these things from a antenatal scans. They normally suggest that a miscarriage is likely if they do not find a heartbeat and if they find abnormalities in the baby itself, e.g if your baby does not appear to be how many weeks it is supposed to be.

Can a women be pregnant for 45 weeks?

Yes, but the doctors would probably suggest inducing you at 42 weeks. My mum was pregnant for 44 weeks she just told the doctors if the baby was ready then he would come out.

Is it possible to be born 8lb 2 months premature?

it's possible but that would be unusually large for a baby 2months early. 8lb is about average for a full term baby.

What can karyotypes be used for?

Karyotyping is a diagram of ones chromosomes and is used to help determine if a baby will inherit any genetic disorders. Overall, Karyotyping is useful in studing chromosomes and how they work.

Which is more healthy for your baby water or milk?

both i think. maybe milk. i would suggest you ask your doctor the next time you see him. doctors know everything

What are the different types of pediatrician?

baby doctors and med. doctors

What is a pea sized bump on back of 2months old baby?

A Pea sized bump on the back of an infant is called a hospital visit. Good luck.

Back in 1928 on Ellis Island would the US Public Health Service have doctors known specifically as pediatricians or would they be referred to simply as baby doctors?

They would be known as baby doctors.

How much do baby doctors make?
